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TAIT global rebrand announcement

On the 21st of July, the time will come to bid a fond farewell to Stage Technologies and Delstar Engineering, as TAIT, the new name for TAIT Towers, becomes the one name to rule them all.

I will be a little sad to see these brands go. It feels as though a part of our local Automation community is being pulled away from us, and In some ways I suppose it is. But the opportunity to grow and become a part of something far greater is a noble cause. And we must remember, of course, that these companies have been a part of TAIT for some time now. This is an alignment of their branding, and with it comes the recognition of the talented people who work within those companies. It tells them, and us, that here is a brand worth knowing. Here is a strong group of people who care about their work and have the backing behind them to help your production succeed.

So I'll hold back my tears of sadness, and instead raise my glass to honour the good work and astonishing history of these companies and the people that made them. Well done to you all. Exciting times are ahead, and these are the people ready to make it happen.

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